Tripura school girl allegedly killed after rape in Khagrachari

Tripura school girl allegedly killed after rape in Khagrachari The incident on 28 July: On 28 July 2018, a minor indigenous Tripura girl (10) was brutally killed after rape at Noimile area under Dighinala upazila in Khagrachari Hill District. Police recovered the dead body of the victim from Noimile area around 11 pm on Saturday 28 July.

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EMRIP11: Statement of Kapaeeng Foundation representative on Agenda Item 4: Study and advice on free, prior and informed consent

The 11th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 9-13 July 2018 Statement by: Shohel Chandra Hajang, Kapaeeng Foundation, Bangladesh, Agenda Item 4: Study and advice on free, prior and informed consent Thank you Mr. Chair. My name is Shohel Chandra Hajang and I belong to Hajong community from plain land

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Human Rights violation in CHT

Kapaeeng Foundation’s Half-yearly Human Rights Report

Kapaeeng Foundation’s Half-yearly Human Rights Report (January-June 2018) 209 indigenous persons & 125 families in 70 incidents of HR violation victimized in last 6 months In January-June 2018, at least 70 human rights violations incident on indigenous peoples both in plain and CHT have been observed. A total of 209 indigenous persons including 12 children

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Two Tripura girls killed after rape, key accused confesses to the killing

Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum (BIPF) and Kapaeeng Foundation jojntly organise Human Chain at the headquarters of Sitakunda Upazila (sub-district) of Chittagong district. Hundreds of Tripura villagers from Sitakunda and Mirasarai Upazilas attended the protest. Presided over by General Secretary of Sitakunda unit of BIPF Mr. Rabindra Tripura, the protest was adressed by local Commission of

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5 hundred indigenous families migrate to Arakan due to insecurity in Bangladesh and alluring policy of Myanmar

It came to knowledge that more than five hundred indigenous families from remote rural localities of Alikadam, Thanchi, Naikhyongchari, Lama upazilas (sub-districts) of Bandarban Hill District had already migrated to Arakan (Rakhine State) of Myanmar during the last 4 to 5 years under sheer pressure of lacking security to life and property, deprivation of potential

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UPDATE: One year of attacks on Santals in Gobindaganj, Evacuees still remain un-rehabilitated

Kapaeeng Report: Even though a year has passed after a massive incident of violence against Santal and Bengali farmers took place at Sahebganj-Bagda Farm area in Gobindaganj upazila under Gaibandha district on 6 November 2016, the Santals who were evicted from the land of Sahebganj-Bagda sugarcane farm were yet to be rehabilitated and compensated. Rather,

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100 families live in fear of eviction in Lama, a village head arrested

Around 100 families of five indigenous villages in  Lama upazila under Bandarban district are now living in fear of eviction from their ancestral homes as land grabbers in the name of setting up rubber plantation there have been threatening them with consequences. The families of five villages are 30 families of Ruposhi Puraton Marma Para,

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