Kapaeeng Foundation Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights Report: September 2020
In September 2020, there were 11 incidents of violence against indigenous women and girls including rape, gang rape, sexual harassment and abduction. In these incidents, 11 indigenous women and adolescents have been victims of violence. Among them, 7 women and girl have been raped including 2 gang rapes and 4 women have been sexually harassed, beaten

Due to Covid-19 Programs are going to held online to mark the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2020 in Bangladesh
In marking the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, many organisations including Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum (BIPF), Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD), Jatiya Adivasi Parishad (JAP) of North Bengal region, Johenshahi Adivasi Unnoyan Sanstha of greater Mymensingh region, Patro Sampraday Kollan Porishad (PASKOP) of greater Sylhet region, Sundarban Adivasi Munda Sanstha (SAMS)

Kapaeeng Foundation Indigenous Human Rights Report: August 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples has been celebrated this year by various indigenous organizations and various human rights organizations in Bangladesh through various online based programs.However, this year, a number of articles and features have been published in various national and local dailies and online news portals against

Call for emergency humanitarian assistance in the measles-infested areas in CHT. Statement of ‘BIPF’ and ‘KF’ on the outbreak of measles in the remote areas of Rangamati and Bandarban Hill Districts.
Call for emergency humanitarian assistance in the measles-infested areas of the CHT Statement of ‘Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Forum’ and ‘Kapaeeng Foundation’ on the outbreak of measles in the remote areas of Rangamati and Bandarban Hill Districts. Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples’ Forum and Kapaeeng Foundation have expressed concerns over the Corona (Covid 19) situation and the recent

Sudden Outbreak of Measles in Sajek and Lama: 8 Dead & 300 Infected
Very recently, sudden wide-scale outbreak of measles in the Sajek Union of Baghaichari Upazilla under Rangamati Hill District and Lama Union of Lama Upazilla under Bandarban Hill District has become a great concern. The natural calamity that began a month ago has infected at least 300 children and claimed heart-deploring death of 8 lives including

National Indigenous Youth Conference 2020 was organized successfully in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
The National Indigenous Youth Conference 2020 has successfully concluded in Cox’s Bazar from 14-16 March, 2020 with the theme Indigenous Youth for Inclusive Society and Institutions. The conference facilitated strong solidarity and enhanced capacities among a bunch of rising indigenous youth leaders of Bangladesh. The youth leaders expressed their strong commitment to engage themselves for

Call for applications “INDIGENOUS YOUTHS FOR INCLUSIVE SOCIETY AND INSTITUTIONS” National Indigenous Youth Conference 2020
Call for applications “INDIGENOUS YOUTHS FOR INCLUSIVE SOCIETY AND INSTITUTIONS” National Indigenous Youth Conference 2020 14-16 March, Cox’sBazar Background: The National Indigenous Youth Conference 2020 will take place from 14-16 March 2020 in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The event is being hosted by the Kapaeeng Foundation. The theme of the said conference is “Indigenous Youths for